Results for 'Kai G. Sander'

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    Sinn und Glaube: eine religionsphilosophische Analyse der Inversion des Denkens.Kai G. Sander - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
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    Rezension: Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier‐ und Pflanzenreich durch natürliche Züchtung oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn von Charles Darwin. H. G. Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and the Origins of German Darwinism. A Study in Translation and Transformation von Sander Gliboff. [REVIEW]Kai Torsten Kanz - 2010 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 33 (4):436-438.
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    Hopf Bifurcation and Dynamic Analysis of an Improved Financial System with Two Delays.G. Kai, W. Zhang, Z. Jin & C. Z. Wang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    The complex chaotic dynamics and multistability of financial system are some important problems in micro- and macroeconomic fields. In this paper, we study the influence of two-delay feedback on the nonlinear dynamics behavior of financial system, considering the linear stability of equilibrium point under the condition of single delay and two delays. The system undergoes Hopf bifurcation near the equilibrium point. The stability and bifurcation directions of Hopf bifurcation are studied by using the normal form method and central manifold theory. (...)
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    Decoration of facets on silver.J. G. Allpress & J. V. Sanders - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (100):645-658.
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    The contrast from twin boundaries in {111} films of silver.J. G. Allpress & J. V. Sanders - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (131):937-941.
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    The influence of surface structure on a tarnishing reaction.J. G. Allpress & J. V. Sanders - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (107):827-836.
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    The rearrangement of facets on silver.J. G. Allpress & J. V. Sanders - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (123):609-618.
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    The Intergenerational Transmission of Occupational Status and Sex-Typing at Children's Labour Market Entry.Harry B. G. Ganzeboom, Karin Sanders & Sylvia E. Korupp - 2002 - European Journal of Women's Studies 9 (1):7-29.
    To what extent do the mother's and father's jobs and occupational sex-typing influence the status and sex-typing of their children's occupation at first entry into the labour market? Referring to a database containing 5027 respondents of two merged Dutch surveys held between 1992 and 1995, this study finds that the effect of the mother's occupational status on her daughter's is significant, but smaller than either the effect of father's status on his son's or his daughter's status. The mother's occupational sex-typing (...)
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    Innovation in Psychotherapy, Challenges, and Opportunities: An Opinion Paper.Janina Isabel Schweiger, Kai G. Kahl, Jan Philipp Klein, Valerija Sipos & Ulrich Schweiger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Comparison of Metacognitive Therapy in Current Versus Persistent Depressive Disorder – A Pilot Outpatient Study.Lotta Winter, Julia Gottschalk, Janina Nielsen, Adrian Wells, Ulrich Schweiger & Kai G. Kahl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    One Step Ahead—Attention Control Capabilities at Baseline Are Associated With the Effectiveness of the Attention Training Technique.Ivo Heitland, Vincent Barth, Lotta Winter, Niklas Jahn, Alev Burak, Christopher Sinke, Tillmann H. C. Krüger & Kai G. Kahl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Neurobiological Mechanisms of Metacognitive Therapy – An Experimental Paradigm.Lotta Winter, Mesbah Alam, Hans E. Heissler, Assel Saryyeva, Denny Milakara, Xingxing Jin, Ivo Heitland, Kerstin Schwabe, Joachim K. Krauss & Kai G. Kahl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Coherence relations in a cognitive theory of discourse representation.Ted J. M. Sanders, Wilbert P. M. Spooren & Leo G. M. Noordman - 1993 - Cognitive Linguistics 4 (2):93-134.
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    No blind schizophrenics: Are NMDA-receptor dynamics involved?Glenn S. Sanders, Steven M. Platek & Gordon G. Gallup - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):103-104.
    Numerous searches have failed to identify a single co-occurrence of total blindness and schizophrenia. Evidence that blindness causes loss of certain NMDA-receptor functions is balanced by reports of compensatory gains. Connections between visual and anterior cingulate NMDA-receptor systems may help to explain how blindness could protect against schizophrenia.
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    Scrolls from Qumr'n Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, the Order of the Community, the Pesher to HabakkukScrolls from Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, the Order of the Community, the Pesher to Habakkuk.G. W. Ahlström, Frank Moore Cross, David Noel Freedman, James A. Sanders & G. W. Ahlstrom - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):111.
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    Catholicism and Authoritarianism in Chile.Thomas G. Sanders - 1984 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 59 (2):229-243.
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    Catholicism and Democracy: The Chilean Case.Thomas G. Sanders - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (3):272-290.
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    Schooling Students Placed at Risk: Research, Policy, and Practice in the Education of Poor and Minority Adolescents.Mavis G. Sanders (ed.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    This book examines historical approaches and current research and practice related to the education of adolescents placed at risk of school failure as a result of social and economic conditions. One major goal is to expand the intellectual exchange among researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and concerned citizens on factors influencing the achievement of poor and minority youth, specifically students in middle and high schools. Another is to encourage increased dialogue about policies and practices that can make a difference in educational opportunities (...)
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    Is the Buffer Mechanism Universal in Biological Evolution?Kai Shu, Hou H. Huang & Pei G. Luo - 2011 - World Futures 67 (3):213 - 216.
    The emergence of new biological traits is landmarks of evolutionary progress. However, when, how, and why do they appear? We propose a universal mechanism, a Buffering Mechanism of Evolution to understand these questions. We speculate that all organisms possess this potential buffer capacity. This capacity would be triggered by the pressures, natural or artificial, to express the intrinsic potential variants. The potential buffer capacity of the organism increases for further selections as evolutionary progress occurs. The higher the evolutionary level of (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Executive Functioning in Anorexia Nervosa and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder.Kai S. Thomas, Rosalind E. Birch, Catherine R. G. Jones & Ross E. Vanderwert - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Anorexia nervosa and obsessive–compulsive disorder are commonly reported to co-occur and present with overlapping symptomatology. Executive functioning difficulties have been implicated in both mental health conditions. However, studies directly comparing these functions in AN and OCD are extremely limited. This review provides a synthesis of behavioral and neuroimaging research examining executive functioning in AN and OCD to bridge this gap in knowledge. We outline the similarities and differences in behavioral and neuroimaging findings between AN and OCD, focusing on set shifting, (...)
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  21. Considerations in ethical decision-making and software piracy.Suzanne C. Wagner & G. Lawrence Sanders - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (1-2):161 - 167.
    Individuals are faced with the many opportunities to pirate. The decision to pirate or not may be related to an individual''s attitudes toward other ethical issues. A person''s ethical and moral predispositions and the judgments that they use to make decisions may be consistent across various ethical dilemmas and may indicate their likelihood to pirate software. This paper investigates the relationship between religion and a theoretical ethical decision making process that an individual uses when evaluating ethical or unethical situations. An (...)
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  22. An international survey of medical ethics curricula in Asia.M. Miyasaka, A. Akabayashi, I. Kai & G. Ohi - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):514-521.
    SETTING: Medical ethics education has become common, and the integrated ethics curriculum has been recommended in Western countries. It should be questioned whether there is one, universal method of teaching ethics applicable worldwide to medical schools, especially those in non-Western developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To characterise the medical ethics curricula at Asian medical schools. DESIGN: Mailed survey of 206 medical schools in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand. PARTICIPANTS: A total (...)
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    H. G. Bronn and the History of Nature.Sander Gliboff - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (2):259 - 294.
    The German paleontologist H. G. Bronn is best remembered for his 1860 translation and critique of Darwin's Origin of Species, and for supposedly twisting Darwinian evolution into conformity with German idealistic morphology. This analysis of Bronn's writings shows, however, that far from being mired in an outmoded idealism that confined organic change to predetermined developmental pathways, Bronn had worked throughout the 1840s and 1850s on a new, historical approach to life. He had been moving from the study of plant and (...)
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  24. Justified True Belief: The Remarkable History of Mainstream Epistemology.Sander Verhaegh - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    This paper reconstructs the origins of Gettier-style epistemology, highlighting the philosophical and methodological debates that led to its development in the 1960s. Though present-day epistemologists assume that the search for necessary and sufficient conditions for knowledge began with Gettier’s 1963 argument against the JTB-definition, I show that this research program can be traced back to British discussions about knowledge and analysis in the 1940s and 1950s. I discuss work of, among others, Bertrand Russell, G. E. Moore, A. J. Ayer, Norman (...)
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    Motivated shortcomings in explanation: The role of comparative self-evaluation and awareness of explanation recipient's knowledge.Devin G. Ray, Josephine Neugebauer, Kai Sassenberg, Jürgen Buder & Friedrich W. Hesse - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2):445.
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    Who is causing what? The sense of agency is relational and efferent-triggered.Kai Engbert, Andreas Wohlschläger & Patrick Haggard - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):693-704.
    The sense of agency is a basic feature of our subjective experience. Experimental studies usually focus on either its attributional aspects or on its motoric aspects. Here, we combine both aspects and focus on the subjective experience of the time between action and effect. Previous studies [Haggard, P., Aschersleben, G., Gehrke, J., & Prinz, W.. Action, binding and awareness. In W. Prinz, & B. Hommel, Common mechanisms in perception and action: Attention and performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press] have shown a (...)
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  27. Radical Pluralism and Truth.Werner G. Jeanrond, Jennifer L. Rike, John Kekes, Richard Mouw, Sanders Griffoen & Gene Outka - 1996 - Journal of Religious Ethics 24 (2):403-428.
    Recent discussions of religious, cultural, and/or moral diversity raise questions relevant to the descriptive and normative aims of students of religious ethics. In conversation with several illustrative works, the author takes up issues of terminology, explanations or classifications of types and origins of plurality and pluralism, the relations between pluralism as a normative theory and the aims of a liberal state, and the import of an emphasis on plurality or pluralism for the comparative study of religious ethics.
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  28. Observation of V-Type Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Sodium Atomic Beam.George R. Welch, G. G. Padmabandu, Edward S. Fry, Mikhail D. Lukin, Dmitri E. Nikonov, Frank Sander, Marlan O. Scully, Antoin Weis & Frank K. Tittel - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (4):621-638.
    We have conducted an experimental study of V-type electromagnetically induced transparency in sodium. Its principles are elucidated by a simple model. Measurements show decreased fluorescence and absorption depending on the detuning of the driving and probe fields, which is in agreement with the results of numerical simulation.
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  29. M. Bakhtin i filosofskai︠a︡ kulʹtura XX veka: problemy bakhtinologii: sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ.K. G. Isupov & A. P. Valit︠s︡kai︠a︡ (eds.) - 1991 - S.-Peterburg: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ un-t.
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    Policy Implications of Achievement Testing Using Multilevel Models: The Case of Brazilian Elementary Schools.Igor G. Menezes, Victor R. Duran, Euclides J. Mendonça Filho, Tainã J. Veloso, Stella M. S. Sarmento, Christine L. Paget & Kai Ruggeri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Iz istorii russkoĭ ėsteticheskoĭ mysli: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.A. P. Valit︠s︡kai︠a︡ & K. G. Isupov (eds.) - 1993 - S.-Peterburg: "Obrazovanie".
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    (3 other versions)Fragments of $HA$ based on $\Sigma_1$ -induction.Kai F. Wehmeier - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (1):37-49.
    In the first part of this paper we investigate the intuitionistic version $iI\!\Sigma_1$ of $I\!\Sigma_1$ (in the language of $PRA$ ), using Kleene's recursive realizability techniques. Our treatment closely parallels the usual one for $HA$ and establishes a number of nice properties for $iI\!\Sigma_1$ , e.g. existence of primitive recursive choice functions (this is established by different means also in [D94]). We then sharpen an unpublished theorem of Visser's to the effect that quantifier alternation alone is much less powerful intuitionistically (...)
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    Globalization and Justice.Kai Nielsen - 2003 - Humanity Books.
    Will globalization promote or hinder social justice throughout the world? In this cogent analysis philosopher Kai Nielsen argues that in its present form capitalist globalization will only ensure that the rich get richer and the poor poorer. Noting that the ratio of the richest countries to the poorest has steadily grown larger under capitalism in the 20th century and that the total dollar value of the world economy has increased fivefold while the number of people living in poverty has doubled, (...)
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    Science and nationality in the Habsburg Empire: Mitchel G. Ash and Jan Surman : The nationalization of scientific knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848–1918. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 272pp, £50.00, $80.00 HB.Sander Gliboff - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):369-371.
    Even though science strives to transcend national differences, scientists in the multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-ethnic Habsburg Empire could hardly avoid being caught up in a web of competing ethnic, national, and imperial interests. Where should their identities and loyalties lie and where should they seek support for their work? At the level of the empire as a whole? One of its component kingdoms or principalities? Other institutions? What audience should they write for, and in what language? Or, from the point of (...)
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    Conscience: Phenomena and Theories, written by Hendrik G. Stoker.Sander Griffioen - 2019 - Philosophia Reformata 84 (1):136-140.
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  36. Dialektiko-materialisticheskai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ samodvizhenii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ: tezisy dokladov mezhvuzovskoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, noi︠a︡brʹ, 1989 g.V. A. Kaĭdalov (ed.) - 1989 - Permʹ: Permskiĭ politekhn. in-t.
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    On Taking Historical Materialism Seriously.Kai Nielsen - 1983 - Dialogue 22 (2):319-338.
    In the first chapter of Karl Marx's Theory of History, G. A. Cohen contrasts Marx's image of history with Hegel's, contrasts, that is, a powerful form of historical idealism with historical materialism. Historical idealism stresses the “dominion of thought” ; social change, on such an account, is to be explained principally in terms of changes in consciousness, the course of history being determined by fundamental ruling ideas and conceptions. This view is to be contrasted with historical materialism. The central vision (...)
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  38. Psychological Operationisms at Harvard: Skinner, Boring, and Stevens.Sander Verhaegh - 2021 - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 57 (2):194-212.
    Contemporary discussions about operational definition often hark back to Stanley Smith Stevens’ classic papers on psychological operationism (1935ab). Still, he was far from the only psychologist to call for conceptual hygiene. Some of Stevens’ direct colleagues at Harvard---most notably B. F. Skinner and E. G. Boring---were also actively applying Bridgman’s conceptual strictures to the study of mind and behavior. In this paper, I shed new light on the history of operationism by reconstructing the Harvard debates about operational definition in the (...)
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  39. A Transformative Trip? Experiences of Psychedelic Use.Logan Neitzke-Spruill, Caroline Beit, Jill Robinson, Kai Blevins, Joel Reynolds, Nicholas G. Evans & Amy L. McGuire - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (33):1-21.
    Psychedelic experiences are often compared to “transformative experiences” due to their potential to change how people think and behave. This study empirically examines whether psychedelic experiences constitute transformative experiences. Given psychedelics’ prospective applications as treatments for mental health disorders, this study also explores neuroethical issues raised by the possibility of biomedically directed transformation—namely, consent and moral psychopharmacology. To achieve these aims, we used both inductive and deductive coding techniques to analyze transcripts from interviews with 26 participants in psychedelic retreats. Results (...)
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    Reverse Discrimination and Social Justice.Sander H. Lee - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:155-168.
    Tom Beauchamp has pointed out that there are three major positions advocated on the issue of “reverse discrimination”. In this article, I will argue that all three of these positions overlook a central issue which is at stake in this controversy and I will suggest that a fourth position exists. Furthermore, I will argue that the programs usually supported by those in favor of preferential treatment (e.g., the setting of educational or employmental goals or quotas) are, while unquestionably worthwhile in (...)
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    Does Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights Apply to Disciplinary Procedures in the Workplace?Astrid Sanders - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (4):791-819.
    Remarkably, there have been three decisions by the Court of Appeal and one decision by the Supreme Court (including notably R(G) v Governors of X School) in the space of three years on the same question as to whether the procedural guarantees of Article 6 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) can apply to disciplinary proceedings in the workplace. The earlier recent domestic decisions held that Article 6(1) could apply or did apply to workplace disciplinary procedures and could imply or (...)
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  42. Actuality in Propositional Modal Logic.Allen P. Hazen, Benjamin G. Rin & Kai F. Wehmeier - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (3):487-503.
    We show that the actuality operator A is redundant in any propositional modal logic characterized by a class of Kripke models (respectively, neighborhood models). Specifically, we prove that for every formula ${\phi}$ in the propositional modal language with A, there is a formula ${\psi}$ not containing A such that ${\phi}$ and ${\psi}$ are materially equivalent at the actual world in every Kripke model (respectively, neighborhood model). Inspection of the proofs leads to corresponding proof-theoretic results concerning the eliminability of the actuality (...)
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    On the Rationality of Radical Theological Non-Naturalism: More on the Verificationist Turn in the Philosophy of Religion.Kai Nielsen - 1978 - Religious Studies 14 (2):193 - 204.
    In my Contemporary Critiques of Religion and in my Scepticism , I argue that non-anthropomorphic conceptions of God do not make sense. By this I mean that we do not have sound grounds for believing that the central truth-claims of Christianity are genuine truth-claims and that we do not have a religiously viable concept of God. I argue that this is so principally because of three interrelated features about God-talk. While purporting to be factual assertions, central bits of God-talk, e.g. (...)
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  44. Critical thinking through applied ethics and the problem of advocacy.Kai-Yee Wong - manuscript
    Over the past three decades or so, the teaching of critical thinking as an essential part of general education has exerted a significant influence on contemporary post secondary education. Critical thinking includes as a central part traditional logic but goes beyond it both in scope and in the conception of what the evaluation of arguments involves, or, to put it in another way, in the very conception of what constitutes the ability to reason well. Indeed one of the notable trends (...)
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    Heterogeneity in Risk-Taking During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From the UK Lockdown.Benno Guenther, Matteo M. Galizzi & Jet G. Sanders - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In two pre-registered online studies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the early 2020 lockdown (one of which with a UK representative sample) we elicit risk-tolerance for 1,254 UK residents using four of the most widely applied risk-taking tasks in behavioral economics and psychology. Specifically, participants completed the incentive-compatible Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART) and the Binswanger-Eckel-Grossman (BEG) multiple lotteries task, as well as the Domain-Specific Risk-Taking Task (DOSPERT) and the self-reported questions for risk-taking used in the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP) (...)
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    On the mathematical and foundational significance of the uncountable.Dag Normann & Sam Sanders - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 19 (1):1950001.
    We study the logical and computational properties of basic theorems of uncountable mathematics, including the Cousin and Lindelöf lemma published in 1895 and 1903. Historically, these lemmas were among the first formulations of open-cover compactness and the Lindelöf property, respectively. These notions are of great conceptual importance: the former is commonly viewed as a way of treating uncountable sets like e.g. [Formula: see text] as “almost finite”, while the latter allows one to treat uncountable sets like e.g. [Formula: see text] (...)
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    Computability theory, nonstandard analysis, and their connections.Dag Normann & Sam Sanders - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1422-1465.
    We investigate the connections between computability theory and Nonstandard Analysis. In particular, we investigate the two following topics and show that they are intimately related. A basic property of Cantor space$2^ $ is Heine–Borel compactness: for any open covering of $2^ $, there is a finite subcovering. A natural question is: How hard is it to compute such a finite subcovering? We make this precise by analysing the complexity of so-called fan functionals that given any $G:2^ \to $, output a (...)
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    G.W.F. Hegel.Shao Kai Tseng - 2018 - Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing Company.
    To do theology in the twenty-first century, we must understand Hegel. In this accessible introduction, Tseng examines the philosopher's significant influence on European thought in general and Protestant theology in particular.
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    Michal Simunek, Uwe Hoßfeld, Florian Thümmler and Olaf Breidbach , The Mendelian Dioskuri: Correspondence of Armin with Erich von Tschermak-Seysenegg, 1898–1951. Studies in the History of Sciences and Humanities 27. Prague: Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences, Prague, and Department of Genetics/‘Mendelianum’ of the Moravian Museum, Brno, 2011. Pp. 259. ISBN 978-80-87378-67-0. Price unknown .Michal Simunek, Uwe Hoßfeld, Florian Thümmler, and Jiří Sekerák , The Letters on G.J. Mendel: Correspondence of William Bateson, Hugo Iltis, and Erich von Tschermak-Seysenegg with Alois and Ferdinand Schindler, 1902–1935. Studies in the History of Sciences and Humanities 28. Prague: Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences, Prague, and Department of Genetics/‘Mendelianum’ of the Moravian Museum, Brno, 2011. Pp. 131. ISBN 978-80-87378-73-1. Price unknown. [REVIEW]Sander Gliboff - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (2):303-305.
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    The Modern Girl Around the World Research Group (Alys Eve Weinbaum, Lynn M. Thomas, Priti Ramamurthy, Uta G. Poiger, Madeleine Yue Dong and Tani E. Barlow, eds) The Modern Girl Around the World: Consumption, Modernity, and Globalization. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2008. x + 435 pp. (incl. index). [REVIEW]Lise Shapiro Sanders - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (3):348-350.
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